Xochitl Galvez Ruiz promised to set opening conditions in the energy sector that there used to be in the last six years, during a meeting she held today with members of the American Society of Mexico (AmSoc).

The virtual candidate for the presidency of the Republic for the oppositionist coalition explained that her proposal aims to allow greater participation for private investment in energy markets, as prevailed in the previous six-year term, and to guarantee legal certainty for capitals.

“As long as the ideological issue takes precedence, there will be no legal certainty in the country,” said the licensed senator.

Before about seven hundred people, most of them American businessmen, Galvez Ruiz spoke with Larry Rubin, president of AmSoc, to whom she also said that she will promote the appropriate conditions to increase private participation in power generation.

She also referred to the several legal proceedings at the energy sector that has prevailed during the current federal administration, in relation to the protections, constitutional controversies and unconstitutionality actions that have been presented before the Judiciary. Besides, she spoke out for respect for the judges.

“Let the Supreme Court of Justice [of the Nation] decide and stop persecuting the judges,” she demanded.

In the same sense, the pre-candidate criticized that the current government has led Mexico to legal demands for non-compliance with the international agreements and treaties it has signed.

She highlighted the current administration’s lack of understanding of the international environment and underlined the unique opportunity the country has in the face of the phenomenon of supply chains re-location, known as nearshoring.

In his turn, Rubin reaffirmed AmSoc’s commitment to strengthening bilateral relations in commercial, social and cultural fields.

“In a year of definitions for both nations, in which we congratulate ourselves for continuing to build solid bridges of communication in an environment of equity and certainty, we thank Xóchitl Gálvez for her interest in crucial issues for the continuity of a healthy and productive bilateral relationship, (which is) evident with their presence on this significant occasion,” said Rubin.

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