Presidential candidate Xochitl Galvez Ruiz said that Chihuahua state will take advantage of the benefits of nearshoring and to do so, five requirements by industries must be met: Rule of Law, clean energy, highly trained human capital, infrastructure and security.

In a tour of the Northern state held this weekend, the leader of the “Force and Heart for Mexico” coalition stated that Chihuahua is in an excellent position to take advantage of the supply chain re-location as China and United States have a trade disagreement.

“Chihuahua has it all to become the engine of nearshoring with companies going to relocate to Chihuahua as a result of the conflict between China and the United States,” said the candidate during a visit to the municipality of Camargo.

On this, Galvez Ruiz highlighted the bad condition of the state’s communications infrastructure, for which she promised to allocate resources to improve roads, border crossings and pave Chihuahua’s cities.

In the same way, she promised to address the problem of water supply, mainly for agricultural use.

“Chihuahua’s farmers and the entire country need technical and not political solutions,” said the candidate for the opposition coalition.

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