Presidential candidate Xochitl Galvez Ruiz promised that during her government at least one hundred renewable energy projects will be promoted, for which she reiterated she will resume long-term electricity auctions.

In a campaign rally in the state of Oaxaca this weekend, the candidate of the opposition coalition “Force and Heart for México” endorsed her commitment to working so that more clean energy is generated throughout the country.

“I said that the wind and solar energy auctions had to be redone. At least I talked about a hundred projects during my administration,” she expressed to Claudio Toledo, municipal president of El Espinal Municipality.

In a meeting with ejidatarios, community representatives and landowners where renewable power plants, mainly wind, are located in the Tehuantepec region, Galvez Ruiz listened to the opinions and proposals from local residents.

Before them, the candidate also offered to resume the construction project of the high-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission line that would transport the clean energy generated mainly in La Ventosa, in Tehuantepec Isthmus, to the state of Morelos.

It is worth remembering that early 2019, the current administration canceled the Ixtepec-Yautepec HVDC power transmission line project. This line was already in a bidding process when canceled.

The 1,260 kilometers-long line with an estimated 1.7 billion dollar investment would help release clean energy from the Isthmus to the Center of the country.

Along with this line, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) also canceled the Hermosillo-Mexicali HVDC transmission line project that would interconnect the National Interconnected System with the Baja California electrical system. Both projects would be developed by private capitals.

In the conversation with Xochitl Galvez, the Oaxaca landowners denounced that they are threatened by the current government and said they realize that the federal administration “is copying from other countries.”

“We are threatened by this government. We are stepping on false ground for us that used to be firm before. There is discontent, there is fear, because we have felt it, because we realize it – not all of us – those of us who are aware of society, those of us who are aware of the poverty of our people,” said Professor Tito Castillejos.

And in his complaint, he added:

“We do realize that this government brings intentions of a different nature, copying from other countries.”

For her part, the presidential candidate highlighted that energy projects, mainly renewable ones, can bring benefits to everyone and stated that she knows that there are people and groups that oppose them, in addition to questioning whether these people belong to the communities where the projects are settled.

“It is clear to me that there are groups that oppose this type of projects and the specific question would be if they are residents, if they are community members,” said Galvez.

Besides, she spoke out in favor of the benefits provided by renewable energies reaching everyone.

“I believe that it is not about taking (those projects) away from those who already have, but rather those who do not have them, may they have. That is my vision,” she stressed.

Likewise, she expressed that companies and industries require power energy and clarified that it must also be clean, like that that is already generated in Oaxaca.

“And you have it. Technology companies, electro-mobility companies, companies related to robotics, the pharmaceutical industry could come here, to the Isthmus, to manufacture products in the Isthmus,” said Galvez.

She highlighted the relevance of that knowledge-industry companies set up in Oaxaca region, because of this she insisted that the country needs to focus on education, technical and engineering careers.

Finally, the standard-bearer candidate for the PAN, PRI and PRD parties once again put on the table that on June 2 Mexicans will go to vote and decide which of the two projects they want: that of the candidate for the ruling party –referring to Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo–, who is committed to pollution and fuel oil, or to Galvez Ruiz, who fights for Mexico to have more clean energy.

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