Presidential candidate Xochitl Galvez Ruiz said that in her government clean energy auctions that the current administration canceled will be resumed.

During her visit to a renewable energy wind farm in Progreso, Yucatán, as part of a rally to the Southeast region of the country, she considered that this year citizens will decide between one candidate, who represents the Fuel Oil Law, and the other one, who represents the renewable energy law.

“I have announced that the energy auctions are coming back, the wind energy auctions, solar energy auctions are back, so that Mexico can once again buy clean and cheap energy for its citizens,” she said in her speech at the Renewable Energy Meeting held in the Southeastern state.

She added that during her mandate she will bet on renewable energy generation, both solar and wind. For this reason, she explained, her infrastructure project contemplates to grant five million credits to install solar panels throughout the country.

On this Monday morning, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador reiterated that it is necessary to delay the Energy Transition in the country and justified that Mexico should not fall back into dependence on energy sources from abroad for not making investments in advance in the production of gasoline and diesel.

In his speech at the celebration of the 86th Oil Industry Expropriation Anniversary, the president once again insisted on the issue, as he did last week, when he estimated that the Energy Transition will take at least 30 years.

For this reason, Lopez Obrador defended investments made in what he has called the rehabilitation of the six refineries of the National Refining System, besides the purchase of the Deer Park plant refinery, located in Houston, and the construction of the new Olmeca refinery in Dos Bocas, Tabasco. In addition, coking plants installed within four refineries.

“Nothing about closing nor leaving refineries. On the contrary, to improve (their) productivity and to count on other (refineries). Likewise, to finish building the two new coking plants in Tula and Salina Cruz to obtain more gasoline, and to not produce polluting fuel oil,” said Lopez Obrador.

In the same sense, he considered that it is necessary to calculate the times of “this Energy Transition” so that Mexico does not fall into dependence on foreigners by early stopping investing in oil extraction and gasoline and fuels production.

In this regard, Galvez Ruiz replied by assuring that Energy Transition is already underway, so Mexico must make a decision.

“The energy transition is already here and we have two paths as a country: we get on the development train or we stay out,” she said.

Along the same lines, the candidate for the “Force and Heart for Mexico” coalition stressed that Yucatán has everything to become the country’s first sustainable state because during the day there is the sunlight and when the night falls wind blows.

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