Power transmission grid expansion and modernization and returning Mexico’s Army to its functions embodied in the country’s Constitution are some of the points contained in the Infrastructure Plan proposed by Xochitl Galvez Ruiz, candidate for the presidency of Mexico.

“CFE will promote the expansion and modernization of the national transmission grid [which] is essential to meet the growth of the country’s electricity demand,” said the leader of the “Force and Heart for Mexico” coalition.

In an event held this morning, the opposition presidential candidate defined the priorities to expand the transmission grid in four areas of the country.

She listed that from the Northeast to the North and West the installed capacity for solar energy will be used, while from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to the Center of the country the installed capacity for wind energy will be used.

The interconnection of the state of Baja California with the National Interconnected System will also be done.

And from the Yucatan Peninsula to the interior of the country, efforts will be made to incorporate solar energy already available.

At the event, as part of her campaign rally, Galvez was accompanied by members of her team, including Jose Luis Luege Tamargo, Rosanety Barrios, Enrique de la Madrid, Ildefonso Guajardo, Guillermo Ruiz de Teresa, Elsa Ayala, Hector Jaime, Ernesto Flores and Fernando Galindo.

Addressing the audience, she reiterated her commitment to resuming long-term electricity auctions, in order to reduce the costs of electrical energy.

On private investments, she said that her government will grant the generation permits that the Law allows for companies that wish to generate their own energy.

“We are not going to hinder companies. What we want is for companies to grow, generate jobs and pay taxes and send that money to culture, health and education,” the candidate said.

On the social item, she reminded her commitment that her government will design financing schemes for solar roof installation and, by this fight energy poverty as well.

For this purpose, 5 million credits will be granted.

“We want people to pay less for electricity,” she insisted.

Regarding her Infrastructure Plan, Xochitl Galvez addressed the country’s Army.

“With respect, with great respect, I address the Army. With great gratitude to the functions and responsibilities of the Army,” she began her message.

“For us, its functions are clearly defined in our Constitution, [so] we will bring the works back into civilian hands, both in execution and operation,” she added.

The former senator explained that in the current administration Army has been also distracted from its duties by assigning other things not concerning.

It is worth remembering that the current federal administration, through the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), approved the creation of the super company Grupo Aeroportuario, Ferroviario y de Servicios Auxiliares Olmeca-Maya-Mexica S.A. of C.V. (GAFSAOMM), belonging to the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), through which the country’s military forces can develop and operate civil public infrastructure projects, such as the Mayan Train, the Santa Lucia airport and others. This super company also operates as a holding for other public service concessions, such as customs, the entire Isthmus of Tehuantepec Integral Corridor project, among many others.

“Army has to help recover national sovereignty. That is the role of the Army, to take care of the country. And they have the instruments and the intelligence [to do it]. So, distracting it with [other] activities is losing ground in terms of security,” said Xochitl Galvez.

She said that more than 35 percent of the national territory is currently in the hands of organized crime, an issue that the Army must address to.

“To civilians what belongs to civilians, and to militaries what belongs to militaries,” she concluded.

The presidential candidate also said that in the current six-year term, a lower 30 percent resource was invested in infrastructure than in previous governments.

From the last six-year period to the current one, she specified, public infrastructure spending went from 4 points of GDP to 2.7. But Inter-American Development Bank recommends allocating 4.5 percent to public investment.

She added that the current administration invests just a tenth part of what other countries like Belize and Bolivia do, as well as 70 percent lesser than average investment in the Latin American region.

“Decision-making regarding infrastructure must improve quality, access, efficiency and coverage; allow people and goods traffic with  safety and confidence and promote economic growth, the integration of the country and prosperity for families”, Galvez stated.

Watch Xochitl Galvez speech here (in Spanish):