For Sonora people to reduce their electricity bill, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo promised to install solar panels on the state’s homes.

“We are going to support so that photovoltaic panels are also in the homes of Sonorans. What for? To reduce the electricity bill,” she said on a campaign tour through Sonora this weekend.

The candidate for the ruling coalition “Let’s Keep Making History” stated that Mexico will be an example of Energy Transition and explained that this will be so since her government will continue with the Sonora Plan.

“It has to do with example by Mexico to the world by totally entering Energy Transition, with solar energy. That is going to be an example to the world by this beautiful state of Sonora,” she expressed.

In this same sense, Sheinbaum Pardo said that in her government President Lopez Obrador’s public works will continue.

“We are going to continue supporting the strategic works, [but] not only that, but also the Sonora Plan, which came from of our President’s mind,” she previously noted.

She added that the Plan means industrial development for Sonora and that it will boost employment, “good earnings,” housing and well-being.

Later, the presidential candidate went to the state of Sinaloa as part of her campaign tour.