Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, pre-candidate for the Presidency of Mexico for the “Let’s Keep Making History” coalition, said she supports the Constitutional reforms that President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador submitted in February 5th to the Chamber of Deputies.

By announcing the details of her campaign, the presidential candidate added that the proposals contained in the package of 20 initiatives by Lopez Obrador will be part of the government program that will be presented that day.

“We want to say very clearly that we support the proposals presented yesterday by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the Congress of the Union as Constitutional reforms,” Sheinbaum exclaimed.

Accompanied by the coordinators of the National Regeneration Movement party in the Chambers of Deputies and Senators, Ignacio Mier Velasco and Ricardo Monreal Ávila, respectively, the former head of Government of Mexico City also expressed her confidence that said reforms, of which 18 are Constitutional and 2 are secondary laws, they will be approved in both Chambers.

Likewise, she highlighted the benefits that these initiatives will bring if they are approved by the Legislature and pointed out that the two bills to be carried out in secondary laws will pass by simple vote.

“From our perspective, [these bills] expand and strengthen the social and human rights represented in the Constitution. They strengthen democracy, freedoms, [they propose] an honest and austere government, national sovereignty and, of course, protection of animals and protection of the environment, as well,” she considered.

Sheinbaum announced that these proposals will be disseminated throughout the country among the Morena militancy and its sympathizers, in addition to being subjected to a national debate.

“We are calling on the people of Mexico to defend and advance these proposals next March 1 at 4 in the afternoon in the Zócalo of Mexico City,” she urged.

In his morning conference today, President Lopez Obrador acknowledged that submitting his bills to Congress was due to the approaching elections on June 2nd.

“Until now conditions have been met and, furthermore, because the elections are coming and the people are going to decide,” he said.

In this same sense, the president explained that in the next elections not only will the candidate, party or alliance be chosen, but that the election will also be for “a national project.”

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