Learn about differences and similarities in Mexico’s presidential candidates’ energy proposals

Isabel Studer, Sostenibilidad Global president, at the presentation of the study.

Mexico’s presidential candidates have announced their energy proposals that they will turn into policy if they win the coming June 2 elections.

Xochitl Galvez Ruiz, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo and Jorge Alvarez Maynez are seeking the Mexicans’ vote and they have dedicated part of their speech to topics such as energy, sustainability, climate and state-owned companies, among many others.

Who has most clearly outlined the route that must be followed through Energy Transition? Who is most concerned about fighting climate change? Who will have the best strategy for the best administration of Pemex and CFE? What are similarities and differences in their proposals?

The Alliance for a Just Energy Transition (Alianza para una Transición Energética Justa), a 30 civil society organization collective, carried out an exhaustive analysis of the proposals of those longing for the Presidential Seat.

The results of this study were recently released.

Isabel Studer, president of the civil organization Sostenibilidad Global, highlighted that what the candidates have proposed in this rally period are proposals, not programs.

“I would like to point out that these are just rally proposals, not programs. And the 2030 Agenda is not a program either. And I also want to emphasize that it is a very complex agenda of all the issues that must be addressed,” she said at the presentation of the document.

Read the full document at Sostenibilidad Global website.

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