Xochitl Galvez explains young people how she will support their studies and projects

Pemex’s 30 billion peso loses due to fuel theft could be used to exempt from paying the taxes those who earn less than 15 thousand pesos per month, Xochitl Galvez Ruiz explained to young Mexicans this morning.

On a videoconference broadcast from her home, the presidential candidate for the “Force and Heart for Mexico” coalition estimated that the losses of Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) derived from fuel theft, known as “huachicol”, accounted for 30 billion pesos could finance the exemption from paying Income Tax (ISR) for those people who have a monthly income of less than 15 thousand pesos.

“If you earn 14,500 pesos, you pay a 1,450 ISR. You’re not going to pay that anymore, so that you have a little saving so that you can have a house of your own, or to buy your first car, give a down payment on something you like, buy a cell phone. You will save that money. It is 25 billion pesos,” she explained in her online conference.

This amount is approximately 5 billion pesos under the 30 billion peso fuel theft economic value.

“Do you know how much gas is stolen from [Pemex] pipelines? 30 billion pesos. In other words, we will just stop gas theft from Pemex, with that [money] the ISR will be financed. We just need to stop losing money at Pemex’s refineries, where so much money is lost, with that we can give you support so that you have your own home,” she said.

Xochitl Galvez expressed her concern that for young Mexicans having a house of their own is getting harder since housing, ground and credits prices are higher.

“Do you know how much [money] we have lost at Pemex? –she questioned again–. Two billion pesos. If we gave 5 million loans for housing, a down payment of 250 thousand pesos, that’s where money would come from. If we stopped losing money at Pemex we’d have money to finance housing.”

The right-winged front candidate also stressed that her government proposal includes electromobility, efficient public transportation and fight against climate change.

In this topic, she mentioned her plan to close the Cadereyta refinery, located in the municipality of the same name in the state of Nuevo Leon.

“Maybe your parents got whipped when I said (at last night TV-broadcasted debate) I wanted to close the Cadereyta refinery. But that’s what just happens nowadays, in the United States more than a hundred refineries have been closed,” she said.

In that sense, she said that her plan is to move the country to electricity.

“Nowadays it is going to be your electric car, your electric bike. We are going to electricity, towards getting your house equipped with solar panels. This is now and that is what I am interested in, taking care of the planet, taking care of the environment,” she insisted.

On employment, she mentioned the phenomenon of supply chains relocation, known as nearshoring, for which Mexico will require clean energy, security and trained people.

 “These companies generate good jobs, but if we do not have clean energy, if there is no security, if there is no good infrastructure, if there is no good education, they will not arrive,” she warned.

For this reason she promised a quality education, in addition to a guaranteed scholarship regardless of whether they are public or private high school students.

And she reiterated her commitment to not take away the scholarships that the federal government is currently awarding.

In the videoconference lasting just over half an hour, Gálvez Ruiz touched on other priority topics, such as health, sports, transparency and entrepreneurship.

Regarding this last point, she added that her government will grant loans to young micro and small entrepreneurs so that they can create their business or grow them.

“I am accused of being a businesswoman. Of course, it’s good that I am a businesswoman because I create many jobs. It is not a crime to be a businessman, what is a crime is to be a bandit,” she concluded.

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