Jorge Alvarez Maynez, candidate for the presidency of the Republic for the Citizen Movement party (MC), promised he will build at least 10 plants that will produce electricity from solid waste, in addition to closing the Tula refinery.

This week he focused on Valley of Mexico issues, especially those related to water supply, environmental pollution and public transportation.

In his campaign, accompanied by the MC candidate for Mexico City, Salomon Chertorivsky, Alvarez Maynez announced that he will promote the installation of about 10 power generation plants by solid waste recycling.

Likewise, he announced that if he becomes president of the Republic, he will close the refinery, located in Tula, state of Hidalgo, and will reassign the workers to the “new facilities.”

This same week, the leader of the orange party mentioned that it is necessary to “get into” the policy that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) has in the generation of electricity.

“How much does it cost for our children to breathe coal, fuel oil? How much does it cost for your children to breathe poison? We have to change, move to clean and renewable energies”, he questioned in a video broadcasted on his social networks.

Alvarez Maynez spoke out in favor of strengthening public transportation and pointed out that it must become electric. He will promote electro-mobility, as well.

In his campaign, Alvarez Maynez announced a 300-billion peso investment for the Cutzamala water system and public transportation in the Valley of Mexico.

The intention is to revitalize the Cutzamala rivere water system, recover the ancient Lake of Texcoco and improve public transportation in the area.

In his National Plan for Construction and Prosperity, the MC standard-bearer foresees an increase of up to 100 billion pesos in revenue with the goal of reaching one trillion pesos in six years.

The objective of this strategy is to form a Regional Development Fund, which he described as the largest in the history of Mexico.

Of that Fund, he specified, 30 percent will be allocated to the needs of the Valley of Mexico, among them, the creation of the Rosario Castellanos University.