The presidential candidate Jorge Alvarez Maynez will present at Chamber of Deputies a proposal for a popular consultation aimed at the cancellation of the Cadereyta Refinery.

The licensed deputy and pre-candidate for the Citizen Movement party (MC) said this morning that on Tuesday, February 6, he will make a request to the Lower House for this consultation to be carried out, since the emissions from the “Ing. Hector R. Lara Sosa” refinery located in the municipality of Cadereyta in the state of Nuevo León are seriously damaging environment. Ha added that children are most affected by those emissions.

“For this reason, we will register a request in San Lazaro to hold a popular consultation to close the Cadereyta Refinery. Let’s go for it!, #LoNuevoApenasEmpieza”, explained the licensed legislator in his personal X account.

He justified that waiting for a change of government is not necessary, in relation to the next election in which Mexicans will vote for the new country’s president.

“This closure of the Cadereyta Refinery can be done from now on with the legislative instruments we have,” said Alvarez Maynez in a video.

In the same sense, he highlighted the importance of caring for environment and air quality.

Along with the Tula refinery, the Cadereyta refinery has been one of the most notable in terms of its emissions into the atmosphere, mainly sulfur dioxide (SO2), and its waste management.

In the Metropolitan Area of the city of Monterrey, capital of the state of Nuevo Leon, 94 percent of the total SO2 emissions that exist in the area come from the Cadereyta refinery, according to data from the Citizen Observatory of Air Quality (OCCA) for Monterrey.

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