Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo presented her energy strategy that contemplates a long-term plan to strengthen Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) crude oil production, at the very same time it will be able to exploit lithium in the country and develop renewable energy.

The Presidential candidate for the ruling coalition “Let’s Continue Making History”, formed by the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), Labor (PT) and Green Ecologist of Mexico (PVEM) parties, celebrated on her own the 86th Anniversary of the Expropriation of the Oil Industry.

In an event in which she set up an honor guard at the Monument to the Revolution, where former president Lazaro Cardenas del Rio remains rest, Sheinbaum Pardo presented the energy-related axis of what will be her government, which she named Sovereign Republic and with Sustainable Energy.

“We are going to be a government that will rescue Mexico’s energy sector, one that puts Pemex and the CFE in the spotlight, within the framework of course of the new national and international environmental conditions,” stated the also former head of Mexico City Government.

She explained that this axis is made up of six objectives that encompass a 10-strategy package.

From this, objectives of reducing energy imports to a minimum, maintaining Pemex and Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) finance healthy, and preserving what she called “a reasonable debt” of these companies stand out.

She also proposed an increase in the country’s economic activity, but not necessarily accompanied by an increase in energy consumption.

The 10 strategies are:

1.- No more energy price increase, such as “gasolinazos” (an abrupt height in fuels prices), or in electricity bills.

2.- On-going strengthening of Pemex and CFE.

3.- To maintain crude oil production at 1.8 million barrels per day on average. Energy demand growth will be met by renewable sources, and reduce gas flaring into the atmosphere (venting).

4.- A long-term plan for Pemex to strengthen crude oil production, while advancing in “eco-generation” processes from renewable sources to thermal and electrical production. In addition, it will be able to participate in lithium exploitation.

5.- CFE will hold 54%-participation in the country’s total electricity generation and private investment will maintain up to the remaining 46%. Electricity transmission and distribution will remain in CFE.

6.- To implement efficient energy use programs in all sectors: residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, etc., by applying environmental standards and replacing equipment and machinery. Financing for energy conservation and technology research and development will also be promoted.

7.- Promotion of electric transport, both public and private, to accelerate electro-mobility. For this, stricter regulations will be developed against greenhouse gas emissions (GHE) in the transport sector.

8.- Promotion of Energy Transition by promoting solar-panel use and solar-water heaters for housing and industry.

9.- Resume national petrochemicals production for fertilizers production.

10.- To care for less-than-2,500-inhabitant communities that still do not have access to electricity, and replace firewood burn for cooking in order to avoid environmental damage and people’s health.